Here is New York Times columnist Bret Stephens agitating for an invasion of Venezuela on ‘moral and national security’ grounds.
Perhaps this columnist has amnesia or a reactionary agenda, but history shows geopolitical and economic interests—not humanitarian concerns—drive US interventions.
For example, the US focuses on Venezuela’s alliances with US adversaries like Iran and leans on issues like drug trafficking and migration to demonise the South American country. Yet, the Washington-based Center for Economic and Policy Research estimated Western economic sanctions killed about 40,000 Venezuelans between 2017 and 2018. UN special rapporteur Alena Douhan said the sanctions caused an imports drop that left about 2.5 million Venezuelans facing food insecurity by 2021. Tanking oil prices and, later, Western sanctions forced 7.1 million Venezuelans to flee the country between 2015 and 2023. Rather than solve these issues, an invasion would likely exacerbate them, as seen with the migrant flows into Europe after the 2011 NATO invasion of Libya. US interventions have also destabilised Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Panama, causing long-term suffering for their populations.
Further, a US invasion would violate Venezuela’s sovereignty and right to self-determination, preventing ordinary Venezuelans from shaping their future. The columnist’s proposal to install a US-backed government and offer amnesty to military officials would create a neocolonial structure that ensures Venezuelan compliance with US interests, perpetuating dependency in the process.
The United States selectively calls for justice by punishing Venezuela while rewarding US ally, the United Arab Emirates, as it destabilises countries in Africa.
Effects of sanctions on Venezuela,and%20increased%20disease%20and%20mortality
Effects of West invasion of Libya
Effects of US imperialism in Latin America
UAE as a negative actor in Africa