Author: Dennis Kahohi

US state-funded Voice of America published a hit piece accusing African Stream of spreading misinformation about AFRICOM’s activities in Somalia. We sat down to break down…

Europe has no moral right to lecture Africa on human rights, given European colonialists’ crimes, which include slavery, g*nocide and theft of treasures. That’s the view…

Ghana’s young people must urgently step up and reclaim the country by any means necessary. That’s this 70-year-old unnamed Ghanaian man’s passionate message during recent protests…

As the United States panics about supposed Russian influence and interference in the 5 November presidential election, it has no qualms about financing and overseeing elections…

Today marks one-hundred days since the formation of South Africa’s Government of National Unit (GNU), a coalition made of the African National Congress (ANC) and several…

On 11 October 1963, Malcolm X was interviewed at the University of California, Berkeley. When questioned about his stance on self-defence, his remarks emphasised the need…

You hear a lot in the Western media about Africans migrating abroad, but what about foreigners moving to Africa? In this clip, we’re shown which non-African…

On 7 October, Burkina Faso’s Higher Council of Communications suspended Voice of America (VOA) from broadcasting for three months. This comes after a 19 September programme,…