Author: Dennis Kahohi

There’s a huge need for Black-owned bookstores in the US. And it’s a need that’s just got bigger after North Carolina’s very first had to shutter…

Kenya’s president wants the God squad to help rid his country of bandits. William Ruto says violence in the volatile Rift Valley should be tackled by…

Brutal armed conflict has ravaged the eastern region of the Democratic of Congo since the late 1990s. Millions have been killed and displaced, with some blaming…

On 3 April, Uganda’s constitutional court rejected activists’ petition seeking to annul or suspend the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act, which they say violated human rights and constitutionally…

On April 1st, 1955, the African National Congress (ANC) appealed to South African parents to withdraw their children from schools. It was in protest against the…

Few things exemplify the depravity of the West than former US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law calling on Israel to ‘clear out’ Gaza’s civilian population to ‘finish…

This obnoxious video has been doing the rounds on social media. It shows blacked-up children mocking African dialects, apparently during a school costume event. There have…