In the British game show, ‘Golden Balls,’ which aired between 2007 and 2009, contestants competed to win as much money as possible by choosing from balls containing prizes ranging from £10 to £75,000 (or $12.74 to $95,580 in today’s dollars). In the game’s final round, the two remaining contestants must choose whether to ‘split’ or ‘steal’ the jackpot.
In this episode, a Black contestant trusted her white rival to split the prize money so that she could donate the proceeds to her church. This came after the white contestant told her that she, too, was a Christian like her. However, shockingly (although we weren’t shocked), that was just a ploy to bring down the Black player’s guard so she could steal the entire prize money.
Some online are saying the episode itself is a metaphor for the relationship African people have with European people: Too trusting and easily fooled when it comes to promises predicated on religion.
When the Portuguese first arrived in Africa in 1418, they came initially for trade and to spread Christianity, but it soon turned into a land grab to extract our resources for as little as possible whilst trading our people as slaves. Conversions to Christianity were used early on as a diversion only for religion to be imposed on the masses over time.
The late South African Bishop Desmond Tutu described the process best when he said: ‘When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible, and they had the land.’
For many online, this clip symbolises how many of us have not learned from our history. Or is this just another case of the internet overthinking stuff?
Let us know in the comments.
1 Comment
When the Portuguese first came to Africa the intention was to spread Christianity for the salvation of souls and also to search for a legendary Christian Emperor named Prestor John in order to request his assistance for the Crusades. The musloids were incessantly invading Christian territories and carrying out massacres and taking over the holy places. In fact almost all the sites/mosques considered the most important by musloids were originally Churches. What the Portuguese later did beginning in the mid 1500s has nothing to do with the Church. The Church can’t control what European governments do. The Church implemented the penalty of automatic excommunication on everyone engaging in slavery and imperialism. Those who engaged in such acts were only heretics (e.g. Protestants etc) and pagans and Jews. Most slave ships were in fact owned by Jews — which explains why the threat of automatic excommunication did not deter them.
Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. There are no Christian governments in the world. The governments are either secular religion (freemasonry) or musloid or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist. Christians are killed by bigots with impunity in Egypt and other musloid lands. Hindus in India do the same thing. Trying to blame the most powerless and persecuted group on the planet: for Africa’s problems is unfounded. It is precisely because Africa rejects Christianity and practices paganism and immorality that it is in the situation it finds itself. Africans are free to reject doing business with Europeans and Arabs and chicoms. Africans are free to reject European immorality. But Africans persistently continue to embrace their enemies both economically and ideologically and socially. And it has NOTHING to do with Christianity. That is their own fault. There is a saying that goes: “You can’t cure stupid.” Europeans are anti-Christians: in France and Portugal they even burn down/arson attack or vandalize thousands of churches annually.
There are many musloid lands in Africa. All of them are oppressed by Arabs even when the majority of the population (e.g. Sudan) is African. The Saudis and Jews are currently mass murdering Sudan and targeting the Masalit ethnic group for ethnic cleansing. Indeed Arab mercenaries and Jews with NATO assistance are even bombing and targeting with heavy artillery refugee camps in Sudan. Yet Sudan still wants Arabs to mediate a peace deal. Why? Because both sides are musloids. And Sudan just can’t bring itself to reject their imperialistic co-religionists for the dangerous enemies they are. Indeed Saudi Arabia is militarily on the side of the Jews in their genocidal ethnic cleansing upon Palestinians. That’s why it is pointless for Palestinians to try to rally behind “Arab identity” or being musloid. The Saudi musloids (the very leaders of musloids globally) and Jews are mass genociding Palestinians and Christians. (Yemen Press Agency, “Israeli correspondent reveals Saudi role in war on Gaza,” 9 Nov. 2023)
Over a 1400 year period the Arab slave trade mass murdered over 100 million Africans in East Africa and the Sahel. The private parts of all African boys and men were completely amputated. Only 3 out of 10 survived this brutal bloody and painful mutilation without dying. Arabs raped African women and would kill their mixed babies. Interestingly Arabs never amputated the private parts of European slaves. Arabs did not kill mixed babies they had with European women. North Africa was originally Christian but was genocided by Arabs. Now North Africa consists of Arab invaders; with the exception of 50% of Morocco; 10% of Egypt; 5% of Libya and less than 1% of the rest of North Africa. The Arab slave trade is far worse and more damaging in extent than the European one. Today in Arab countries the African women are advertised and sold as slaves on WhatsApp. Arabs are still colonizing and oppressing Africans and stealing massive lands throughout East Africa and Central Africa. After Africans are kicked off their land; the lands are referred to as reserves or national parks. Resources are looted from the land and animals are trophy hunted by the Arabs. Recently Tunisia violently attacked and expelled all the Africans there after the president accused Africans of trying to replace Arabs. There were only around 2,000 Africans — easily less than 0.1% of the population. If one were to tell African musloids and other pagans to stop dealing economically with Arabs and Europeans and chi coms/chi trash: they would refuse to listen even though it is for their own good.